ActInSpace (2018 edition)
I participated in a hackathon powered by the ESA
which aims to imagine some new space startup. We presented a pretty
cool eccentric project called ‘ReSpace’, with the idea of a reusable
space research station.
PolyHash Code
PolyHash Code was an internal competition in the Polytech Nantes IT department, the
objective was to present an algorithm which has the best score for the
2017 GoogleHashCode final challenge . I was in a 4 people team and we
reached at the end of the competition the 1st place amongst 12 teams.
Our maximum score of 546 154 780
placed us at the 5th position in the real Google competition, but we
had several weeks to solve this problem. Below a video, that I created(for the purpose of the competition), which present our work.
Olympiade Science de l’ingenieur 2015
With the project 'Torii', I participated in an important French competition
which judges the qualities and the innovation of hundreds of high
school student’s projects.
Les Entrepreunariales
'Les Entrepreunariales' is a 4-month competition and formation that
I participated with a friend while I was studying at Vannes. Through
it, I have learned the basis of the creation of a company in France, manage
its finance and legal aspect and the basis of marketing.
Olympiade Science de l’ingenieur 2018
Three years after participating at the Olympiade as a student, I participate
as a judge. (The Olympiades projects are presented to a panel of juries,
people coming from industry, research and some high study students.)
That was a really cool experience to see the other side of that competition
and to discuss the realization of these projects.
Knowledgeable - VR and Memory Palace
For my final year, I built during 3 months Knowledgeable .
A VR application that aims to empower its users with the "method of Loci " (also named Memory Palace).
With this software, you can understand, practice and use this method to learn various lists of concepts.
A draft of research paper is associated with the conception and development of this application.
That was particularly exciting has it was my first experience with Unity and it allowed me to test various technical aspects (Oculus SDK, Unity Serialization, Events, Scening, HUD, Virtual HMI, C# http request, Threading/Asynchronous, C-Sharp )
Recognition - language of sign
As part of a little assignment at polytech, we were requested to develop a neural network with Keras on a little dataset to detect sign language digits. I added a WEB live version of this detection using TensorflowJS . (example in the gif bellow)
I worked for 1 week with two other CS students and three design students to develop an experience in the context of a contest at Polytech.
The objective was to produce a remarkable experience on the changes in the Nantes area. I took the oportunity to develop this project with
ThreeJS to discover OpenGL. You can discover a demo >> here <<
(bellow a video of presentation made by Polytech)
Bibliography Conditional GANs
With two other students I made an extremely simple Bibliography in Latex of the differents works on the Conditional GANs and how to improve the performances.
Deep Liver
At Polytech, I worked on a DeepLearning project with 2 other students and in collaboration with Incepto-medical and Nantes Hospital .
This project aimed to build and train neural networks to detect liver cancer in radiological images.
It was a huge and extremely interesting project for me. Through it I discovered a lot of computer vision techniques like mathematical mortphologies, YOLO, R-CNN, U-Net... (I worked especially on this architecture).
I used many differents tools like PyTorch, MedicalTorch, TorchVision, Matplotlib, Scipy, Numpy, Tensorboard .
But also some medical specific technologies like Slicer3D, DICOM, nrrd, Nifty .
In bonus, as I wanted to test a 3D U-Net model, I implemented some dataLoader, transforms and model in medicaltorch.
I make a simple re-design of the Polyjoule website ( a University
association which develop an optimal hydrogen car).
In my second year of study at Vannes, I became TL of a 4 people team to develop a website connecting doctors and their substitutes.
A huge project where I used Google Map API, AngularJs, Node, Express, MySQL and Bootstrap.
For a first year's projects at the IUT of Vannes, in pairs, every IT
students have the goal to create a Software version of the Blokus game
in 3 weeks. We did our best to implements the maximum of features. The
main objective was to have a functional game and the optional part was
to have an AI. We have finally render a version with 3 level of AI, the possibility
of creating new structures, and a LAN game mode (which was satisfying has we were the only team to use asynchronous/server/network technologies).
Video evolution of data storage
In the context of a day of conferences at the IUT of Vannes I worked
with some friend on the realization of a video which presents the data
storage evolution.
Old Personal presentation website
Before this one, in my first studies year after high school, I built
a website to present myself. You can see it here .
(Done during hight-school)
It was my first big project, with 3 other people we create a system which
aims to modernize infrastructures doors access (Add a secure module on
any door of a building, opening them with a smartphone application,
centralize the account and provide an interface to manage the rights
of each door for each user).
I essentially worked on the application. I built it from scratch knowledge
with html/css/js/cordova, used many DOM manipulation and AJAX
(absolutely no framework for the css or js, I wanted to learn deeply
the basics technologies before using some libraries). Without any exterior
help I tried to do my best for this application, that was intense and
I’m really proud of the result. You can see a demo here .
Presentation SIN
In the middle of my high school studies I did a website to present the
speciality of my formation. You can see it here . That was my first
experience with html/css, so it’s quite experimental.